Concept Players present And Then There Were None 

By Agatha Christie

Concept Players present And Then There Were None

This has to be one of the most famous whodunits ever created for the stage, only surpassed perhaps by the long running The Mousetrap, also by the doyenne of murder mysteries, Agatha Christie. It had been a while since we had done a 'straight' play so we thought it was time for a change.

Clare Hovey as Adele Marston in And Then There Were NoneRob Purnell, a new director to Concept but experienced via other societies, was in charge, bringing good pace to this yarn. The cast was solid: Ellie Hoare played the lead female character, Vera Claythorne with a mix of feistiness, allure and sheer frightened panic ensuring a mutli-dimensional performance. Paul Buckle as her love interest was a dashing, laconic hero with an air of adventure; unlike the uptight Dr Armstrong, played by Steve Davies and the even more highly sprung Emily Brent, played by a newcomer to the stage, Bobbie McNiven-Young - a real find we must say! Martyn Ryan was also a new comer to Concept and played the dog of bulldog breed, Henry Bloare complete with the requisite dodgy South African accent. Neil Davies brought his experience to bear with a strong performance as the authoritarian judge, Sir Laurence Wargrave. Not to give too much away, but the first death was done superbly by Clare Hovey as the louche Miss Adele Marston who thought nothing of cutting up someone in her car who was footling in the middle of the road or mowing down some people which was her particular crime for which she would be the first to get her comeuppance. Nick Pratt played the old duffer General MacKenzie, with suitable doddery effect, accused of murdering his wife's lover. Supported by the excellent Helen Windsor as the nagging Mrs Rogers, shame it wasn't a bigger part and her dour husband Mr Rogers, dutiful but dim, played by Ruairidh MacLeod-Lyon. There was even a cameo by the director as the yokel Fred Narracott who comes every morning before eight!

The audiences were superb, oohing and aahing at every turn of events. Afterwards we found out that everybody had their favourite suspect only to be proved wrong. There was quite a bit of nervous laughter and one of two titters at the, at times, arcane language of 1930s England. 'Wizard what?!'

The director took a great period piece and ensured a fast, free flowing drama. Set beautifully in a set designed and built by Liz Howson and her right hand man Roger Thomas everything looked as if we had stepped back in time. The costumes were very authentic, thanks to Ruairidh and Paul, and it all combined to prove that sometimes the butler didn't do it.

Ellie, Paul & Steve



We were nominated across all acting categories and for Best Play for the Glamorgan Drama League Awards 2012. We won Best Supporting Actor (Paul), Best Actress (Ellie) and The Moderator's Award. Praise was lavished on our acting, period detail and professionalism of the cast!

Glamorgan Drama League Awards 2012 went to And Then There Were None!

Our Awards!


Ellie Hoare as vera Claythorne in And Then There Were None


"we had consistently fine acting from Ellie Hoare, who led the action and pace throughout, looking lovely in her 1930 frocks, even when getting crazed with fright as the murders continued"

Penarth Times