Concept Players' Concerts


We at Concept Players pride ourselves in the quality of our singing and nevermore is this true than in our concerts. Our repertoire is huge: songs from the West End and Broadway, operetta, Gilbert & Sullivan, high opera, folk songs and carols. We like to produce a varied programme i.e. not all solos and not all ensemble singing and we tend to "move" the songs - we don't stand as if we are a choir with folders in our hands (unless you want us to). We also have been known to add in humorous anecdotes and stories. We provide our own musicians and can be as informal or formal i.e. full evening dress as you require.

Our concerts have included small gatherings at residential homes and for charity functions, to after dinner slots and large scale entertainment at corporate events. Clients have included: Monmouth Borough Council, Women's Institute, the NSPCC and Lloyds TSB.

We also put on our own concerts, often accompanied by cheese and wine; these events are always very popular and tend to sell out quickly so watch out for them! A review of a previous Sing-Along-Gilbert & Sullivan concert in Penarth can be viewed by clicking on the link.

If you are interested in booking us, our outline prices are:

Full company: £600 for a full evening concert, £300 for an after dinner half hour

Partial company: £175 for half hour or for 2x 20 min slots.

If your require something more bespoke we will quote depending on the length of set you wish us to perform and the size of the company your require.

We are also available for Murder Mystery evenings. Typically this is set around your eating arrangements but includes a couple of short scenes and then the cast mingle to answer questions amongst the tables. It is a really fun evening and is sure to get everyone involved and talking about it.

Full company: £500 for a full murder mystery event (does not include any prizes or catering)

Please get in contact with us via our secretary:


The Secretary

Concept Players

15 Dorothy Street


CF37 4RR  


We look forward to hearing from you!



Contact us via our Secretary:


The Secretary

Concept Players

15 Dorothy Street


CF37 4RR