By Alan Ayckbourn


NODA Review by Derek Grattidge

One of Alan Ayckbourn's funniest. It involves four couples who are all concerned, in some way, with each other. Trevor and Susannah are a couple whose marriage is steadily heading towards disaster! During the course of a night they inflict their delirious miseries upon their nearest and dearest friends. Ernest and Delia, delightfully played by Neil Davies and Janet Holloway, go out to dinner which turns out to be a disaster. Nick and Jan, Steve Davies and Clare Davies, are invited to a housewarming, but Nick stays home with a bad back.

Kate and Malcolm were played by Ruairidh MacLeod-Lyon and Rhiannon Rose. Trevor and Susannah, the couple who inflict their marital problems on their friends, were played by Paul Buckle and Lorna Welch.

A well cast play and a thoroughly enjoyable evening, particularly the second act when the pace quickened. I was pleased to be invited to this play, and to stand in for Frank Wooles who was on holiday.


Originally published Spring 2003



Help: we cannot seem to find any photos of this show so if you have any please get in contact