Concept Players take your privacy very seriously.
We never share the information you give to us with any other organisation. Ever. No other arts organisation or charity ever gets to see your data.
In our organisation only the Publicity Officer and Chairman have access to your data which is held securely on a database.
We collect:
Your Title, Name, Address. Email Address, Phone Number, Your Contact Preference (mail, email or telephone), whether or not you are a patron i.e. a Friend of Concept and how you have opted post GDPR. We also annotate your record with which production of ours you have seen if we know.
We retain:
We keep your data for at least 8 years but should you still be following and attending our productions, we keep it as long as you do. We will be actively removing people from now on in using our 8 year rule.
We delete:
We remove anyone from our database should they request within a month of the request being received. We also remove where a family member requests either as guardian or in the sad event of the recipient being deceased.
However, your details are very important to us as it is by far the best way of reaching you to tell you, and hopefully persuade you to come and see our productions. We are a charity and put any profits back into our productions. Our budgets are never very high and you can see our accounts online at the Charity Commission for proof of our incomings and outgoings. We are dependent on our audiences giving us their ticket money so that we can bring what we think is amongst the very best of theatre, song, dance and drama to stages near you. If we don’t have permission to contact you, we may see our audiences drop and therefore our income and therefore our ability to perform.
So we hope you will give us permission to keep your data safe and sound and to remain in contact.
However, should you no longer wish to receive our infrequent emails and mail letters, please let us know and we will remove you from our database.
But if you wish to remain, you MUST OPT IN by telling us that you OPT IN.
OPT IN: Please write to us or send us an email
Any queries please get in touch.