By J. Strauss


NODA Review by Frank Wooles


In their latest touring production played at the Paget Rooms, Penarth in March, even the purists must have been impressed at the musical standard achieved in this updated version of the Johann Strauss classic operetta, Die Fledermaus. A little ingenuity and modernisation presents Eisenstein as a famous film producer, his wife, Rosilinda a fading film star surrounded by bodyguards and Alfred as her street singer toy-boy. Oh, and a Scots jailor named MacFrosch! With clever amusing libretto, it works well enough and - like the champagne - the rich and luscious score remains king. Eisenstein, due to be imprisoned for assault on the paparazzi, was played with skill and humour by Nigel Holloway in fine voice. A lovely performance by Janet Holloway as the capricious Rosalinda with a tender and emotively sung "Homeland" proving a highlight of the evening. Neil Davies was impressive as the devious Doctor Falke and his fine voice heard at its best in the sentimental "Brother Mine" number with a well sung comedy performance by Stephen Payne as the toy-boy Alfred. A delightfully sung "Laughing Song" by Rhiannon Rose in a pert performance as the maid , Adele, and pseudo-actress, Olga, and her attractive and flirtatious sister, Ida, was played to good effect by Ellie Hoare. Angie Dymott held the stage with "Chacun a Son Gout" and gave a good performance as the bored Prince Orlofsky. Prison Governor Frank, was securely played by Steve Davies, whilst Ruairidh MacLeod-Lyon brought a breath of fresh haggis to the role of jailor, MacFrosch. With basic staging and well costumed from within the company, good scenes, colour and excitement were created in an imaginative production by Janet Holloway and Concept continue to surprise and entertain.


Originally published Autumn 2003 


Albert and Rosalinda

We updated this Strauss classic by setting it in the modern day and transposing the Eisensteins from Vienna socialites to Hollywood stars, complete with entournage