Concept players present Evita

Music by Andrew Lloyd-Webber

Lyrics by Tim Rice

The cast of Evita

This was a show that the Director, Ruairidh, often said would be the one he would love to direct but we all knew that getting the rights to an Andrew Lloyd-Webber show is not easy. However, nothing ventured, nothing gained. We ventured. We gained!

So this was to be a show of firsts for us: first Andrew Lloyd-Webber show, first rock opera, first fully sung through show, first time we were only doing one venue, first time we had done a matinee and first time we had such a large orchestra. So a big ask for a company such as ours but we knew we had to take the chance.

Ruairidh's vision was to stay true to the story and ensure a quality production from every angle. But as the score comes without any stage directions at all, he had his worked cut out for him. Keeping to a simple staging, and a few touches of his own such as the use of period dining chairs throughout, he ensured pace and the drama and emotions hit the audience from the opening bars. He was ably supported in this by his Musical Director, Richard who was also new to the Company. Richard soon has us through our paces, his eye for detail and encouragement meant that he got the very best out the cast and had a lush sound from his orchestra. Adam returned as our choreographer, giving us exciting routines that wowed the audiences every night. His eye for detail ensuring a fascinating and compelling series of dances. A word too for our sound technician Laura who made us sound fantastic, Ellie and Aileen on the follow spots and Paul and his wardrobe team, who made sure that we looked fabulous too. Backstage Denise, Diane and Lydia ran a tight ship and the run went very smoothly. Even with all those blasted chairs!

Rhiannon Rose as EvitaThe casting of any production is always a challenge as the cast needs to gel and it is is always hard to let hopefuls down. However, the cast assembled in the principal roles were brilliant. Firstly, of course, mention has to be made of the leading lady. And what a leading lady! From the very start Rhiannon Rose owned this part, performing it with aplomb every performance. From the feisty, ambitious beginning, through her triumphant fighting, to her sad demise, Rhiannon Rose made sure she got every nuance of this role out across the footlights. In this she was more than ably partnered by Shane Goodsir who was sure and strong in his portrayal of the most powerful man in South America, Juan Peron. Shane and Rhiannon's chemistry was quite remarkable. The glue that binds the story  of course is Che. Tim Reynolds portrayed this figure as Tim Rice always intended to, as an everyman, the audience's link to the action, acerbically commenting on the drama taking place. His stage presence brought everyone along in his story telling. The Mistress (always a shame when you realise she doesn't get a proper name) was played with just the right amount of pathos by Jenny Brock. Light relief was provided by Richard as Migaldi, the first man that was to be of use to Eva Duarte. Add to this strong line, the Concept ensemble who danced, acted and sung with great passion and precision, the effect was spellbinding and the wall of sound from the Company was awesome.

So the result? Another artistic success with full house most nights and standing ovations. It went down a storm. We won Best Musical Theatre Production in our NODA District too! Thank you to all that came to see us. We felt it was something special and hope you did too.


Migaldi and CheChe gives Magaldi some advice

Shane Goodsir as Juan Peron

Such a shame she wondered into our enclosure

Forced us to be blunt!

The balcony

On The Balcony

High Flying Adored

High Flying Adored

Rhiannon Rose as Evita