By Stephen Schwartz

Book by John-Michael Tebelak


As something of a challenge, the younger members of the group decided that they would tackle a production of their own, and chose to do Godspell. We performed it at various venues including the Borough Theatre, Abergavenny, but the most memorable was the performance at Wesley Methodist Church in Caerphilly. The technical problems to be overcome were formidable, especially how to get sufficient power supply to the lights and the musical instruments, and how to get the lighting towers up into the organ loft! But we overcame all the difficulties, and the show went on. The most memorable part was that there was complete silence for the final 20 minutes of the show, and that the audience was so moved that no-one could speak after the performance! Naturally we were delighted with this reception, and everyone agreed it was a great success.


Godspell (an archaic spelling of the word gospel) opened off Broadway on May 17, 1971, and has played in various touring companies and revivals many times since. Several cast albums have been released over the years the most famous hit being "Day By Day". The musical opened a year after another religiously-themed successful rock musical, Jesus Christ Superstar.