By William Shakespeare


NODA Review by Frank Wooles

The Players' touring production of Henry V, staged at Chapter Arts Theatre in September, used the Rugby World Cup as inspiration for the clash of the armies of England and France on the battlefield of Agincourt. The power and poetry of Shakespeare's text was respected and adhered to and, in the main, performed with clarity by a polished and talented cast. A fine performance by Laurence Clarke as a King of passion and intellect, romantic and indiffident in love and in his wooing of the fair Katherine - a delightful performance by Dominique Fester. Amanda Collins set the stage and narrated with perfect diction as Chorus with strong performances by Nigel Holloway (Canterbury, Erpingham), Nick Pratt (Exeter), Paul Buckle (Dauphin), Tim Davies (Ely, French King) to name but a few in this formidable and impressive cast. The well paced and innovative production, by Kevin Welch, flowed on to a stark basic set, with minimal props and furnishing, and the battle scenes bruisingly played out in convincingly choreographed rugby set pieces. A bold venture but the idea works well enough and from Concept would we expect anything less?


Originally published Spring 2008




Henry and the Governor of Harfleur


"A bold venture but the idea works well enough and from Concept would we expect anything less"