Music by Noel Gay
Book and lyrics by L. Arthur Rose and Douglas Furbur
Book revised by Stephen Fry
Contributions to revisions by Mike Ockrent
NODA Review by Ralph Thomas
A lively and well choreographed rendering of “ A Weekend at Hereford” kicked off this wonderful show that tells of the fortunes of a cockney rogue Bill and his sweetheart Sally and their rapid rise to the upper echelons of society and peerage.
Richard Thomas gave us an energetic and likeable Bill supported by Claire Hovey as Sally who kept the plot bouncing along in their pivotal roles. The choreography was slick and a well drilled company left the audience calling for “more”. Paul Buckle was hilarious in his characterisation of “Parchester” the family solicitor and Ellie Hoare as Lady Jacqueline was simply exquisite perfectly cast and expertly delivered, well done. Concept are a truly versatile company who never fail to deliver and the supporting roles played by such talented players as Tim Brown, Fiona Thomas, Helen Windsor gave us a show that delighted the audience and provided concept with another successful production. I particularly liked the innovative use of the single set, however both the village pub scene and Leaning On A Lamppost needed to be visually removed from the living room of Herford Hall the furniture was far too obvious and distracted from the respective scenes. That being said Concept are all about doing something different and I take my hat off to a company who really test the boundaries of amateur theatre. If you have not witnessed one of their productions you really are missing out! Can’t wait for Lend Me A Tenor in September.
This review appeared in the Penarth Times on Thursday 7th March 2013
"Happy Show Means Happy People"
There are at least three good reasons why Me And My Girl is called "the happiest show in town" - the great songs, the upbeat dance routines and the theme that true love can't be bought and will win through.
Here in Penarth we've been lucky enough to have the Concept Players' version of this enduringly popular musical.
Audiences left the theatre much more cheerful and upbeat after an evening with the family and staff at Hareford Hall and their new found heir, Bill Snibson, and his girlfriend Sally.
Concept always makes a great effort with costumes and this production was no exception, the smart maids and butlers were perfectly done and the rich colours, wonderful satins and chiffons of the ladies evening dresses were glorious.
The cast was led by the incorrigibly energetic Bill, played superbly by Richard Thomas, who has waited a long time to play this part. Being a dancer, Richard is light on his feet and has impressive clowning and acrobatic skills. He wasn't still for a moment. He chatted, joked, sang, jumped, danced, rolled on the floor, slipped and slid over the wonderful leather Chesterfield settee, grappled with a tiger rug, took the mickey out of the posh relatives, used his hat and anything else he could get his hands on as props and objects of fun.
The girl he loved - his Sally - was beautifully played by the lovely Claire Hovey. Elegant with a good singing voice, a talented actress she played the straight girl to the roguish Bill to perfection.
Out to separate Bill and Sally is the impossibly selfish and shallow Lady Jacqueline, played with great relish by the delicious Ellie Hoare, who has demonstrated yet again her great talent for sending herself up in these comedy roles.
I adored the snobbish Duchess (Helen Windsor), a great part, beautifully played, using her lovely singing voice to great effect. Her long time admirer Lord John (Tim Brown) was blusteringly good as was the Hon.Gerald (James Osbourne) who did the silly ass part beautifully. Ably supported by the rest of this large cast, musically trained by MD Dave Thompson and directed by Paul Buckle, this was first rate.