Prima Donna Logo

By Nigel Holloway

Barney Paul Buckle
Richard Kevin Welch
Christine Fiona Thomas
Aggie Janet Holloway
Anne Lisa Sadie
Reporter Jeff Heenan-Davies
Doris Cheryl Payne
Jack Howard Turnbull
Mike Steve Davies
Eva Jo Herco
Sharon Lorna Welch
Secretary Rachael Jones



Another instalment from The Off-the-Wall Theatre Company.

When Sharon, the leading soprano, has a car accident, the group's latest production of Orpheus in the Underworld is in jeopardy. Where can they find a replacement soprano? To save the show, Jack produces a substitute who nobody has seen before.

But when the new soprano turns up late for her first rehearsal, throws a tantrum and walks out in disgust because the chorus don't know their parts, what are they to think? What does Jack know that he's not telling? And why is Aggie keeping so tight-lipped about her? And why are Richard and Barney so nervous? Is Eurydice really Brunhilde?

The answers to all these questions (and more) are explained in our pod cast!