Concept players present Rumours

Book by Neil Simon

This versatile and very skilful company staged Rumours by Neil Simon to great acclaim and their loyal following at The Borough Theatre Abergavenny and also on tour in Penarth at the Paget Rooms.

A play which needs multi-faceted actors working as one with split second timing to succeed, Concept Players reputation attracts these actors.

It is the 1980’s, stockbroker belt country near London and a soiree to celebrate the ten year wedding anniversary in the house of a prominent British civil servant where a gun has been fired and a cover up ensues. A strong performance was given by Cat Baillie, as Ken's wife Chris, setting the scene ensuring the audience’s vital early connection. You could hear a pin drop in the theatre the effect Concept Players have on an audience. This audience greatly appreciated their skills.

Paul Buckle building the tension was outstanding without doubt one of the most natural performers deceptively an effortless performance and as Ken brought tremendous humour and realism to the role. The most difficult role of Len was the amazing Ruairidh MacLeod-Lyon, how he remembered those lines and at speed with no problem! Direction by Laura Mc Mahon was an exceptional quality. The set and costume design was meticulous by Paul Buckle and Ruairidh MacLeod-Lyon, Stage Manager Aileen Rahilly and the set team.

All this great cast wove their way through the play effortlessly giving fine performances each a unique characterisation. Claire (Jess Player), Cookie (Ellie Hoare), Earnest (Lawrence Clarke), Glenn (Stephen Hopkins) and Cassie (Emma Sands). The “Law” was well represented with brilliant comedy by the two W.P.C.s Conklin and Casey, Aileen Rahilly and Carys Hughs.

The legendary playwright Neil Simon would have been proud of you!


"A play which needs multi-faceted actors working as one with split second timing to succeed, Concept Players reputation attracts these actors. "


The elegant Jess playing Claire and the ever dapper Laurence as Earnest

This time with her husband

The unhappy potential parliamentary candidate and his wife