By Nigel Holloway

Aggie (Buttercup/Hebe) Janet Holloway
Anne (Chairmans’ wife) Liz Howson
Barney (Ralph) Paul Buckle
Caroline (the ‘Producer’) Sarah-Jane Waters
Christine (chorus member) Fiona Thomas
Doris (Accompanist) Cheryl Payne
Jack (Chairman) Howard Turnbull
Richard (Captain Corcoran) Kevin Welch
Robert (the new member) Steve Davies
Sharon (Josephine) Rhiannon Rose
Dave (Carpenter) Roger Thomas
Jim (Boatswain) Nick Pratt
Raymond (Sir Joseph Porter) Kevin Morgan
Off The Wall Theatre Group Company Members: Bev Pearce, Cat Dafydd, Charlotte Reynhart, Ellie Hoare, Ellie Morgan, Hayley Toms, Jo Howson, Leigh Tomala, John Tomala, Mark Winsor and Mike Gaccon as Dick Deadeye



What happens when the chairman of the Off-The-Wall Theatre Company brings in a new producer to take charge of their production of HMS Pinafore? It’s bad enough to have to deal with a heartless female slave-driver who tramples over everybody’s sensibilities, but when it turns out that your leading man has had an affair with her, and that she’s prone to stalking – well, what else could possibly go wrong? Well, how’s this for starters? The leading man is murdered by his wife; the group’s stalwart accompanist is replaced by a synthesiser; Ralph Rackstraw turns out to be officially Irish; and the rebellious members of a mutinous cast eventually end up sabotaging the rehearsals for their own show.

Despite these hilarious misadventures, the show must go on, and the Off-The-Wall Theatre Company eventually sends its problem producer packing! HMS Pinafore is all set to sail serenely ahead with its original cast- and a chorus of cardboard sailors – or is it?